Tuesday, March 23, 2010

About This Blog

This blog is basically about three different topics
  1. Web 2.0
  2. Interaction Design
  3. Information/Instructional Design

This blog was created for one of my units at univeristy, Interaction Desgin 1.

I hope you enjoy.

Mood Board

John is a 75-year-old retired carpenter who still enjoys hikes in national parks and ridding his Harley-Davidson. He looks forward to the local club raffle and a catch up with the boys on a Thursday evening. He also enjoys playing bingo, listening to local radio and watching old western movies with his wife Jill. As he gets older and has to visit the hospital more often, he prefers quick and efficient healthcare with simple, bold instructions and hospital signs. He aims to enjoy the rest of his life traveling a little and spending time with family, especially his grandchildren.

• Location: Hobart

• Toaster Usage: Unfortunately Johnny has never used a fancy new electric toaster

• Computer/Internet Usage: PC, Occasionally browses the Internet with the help of his grandchildren.

• Computer Skill: Novice user. Finds things too complicated on the computer to use. Has an email but doesn’t know how to use it properly.

Story Board

How To Make Toast Step-by-Step

1. Plug in toaster
2. Ensure power outlet is on
3. Adjust toaster to the timer to desirable setting
4. Select x amount of bread 1-4 slices
5. Is bread edible?
6. (no) get new bread, discard old bread
7. place bread pieces into toaster
8. make sure is placed properly in toaster and evenly spread out
9. push the leaver down on the toaster
10. wait (do not touch the toast/bread until it is ready (pops out)
11. is the toast cooked to your desire? Is it burnt(over cooked)/ or under cooked(not brown enough)?
12. (burnt) discard toast and repeat steps 1-8
13. (undercooked) place bread/toast back into toaster and repeats step 8
14. (yes cooked properly) is the toast safe to touch?
15. (no) wait for it to cool a little
16. (yes) quickly pinch corners of toast and place on a clean plate
17. enjoy!

Flow Chart

Information & Instructional Design

Information Design definition:

Basically, information design is the planning of information that is aimed at a certain audience to meet specific guides. It is the design of how the information is set out by the designer suited for the specific target audience. Not only does the design have to appear good but there are alot of considerations a designer must take in order to successfully achieve a good information design, such as text, legibility, how direct and clear the information is presented, and how is it suited to the target audience.

Information design focuses more narrowly on the information itself in one or
more information units, and may encompass the information aspects of
industrial design
(labels,knobs, and the physical interface), information
design content, page
design, web site design, illustration design,
typography decisions, and so forth.

- http://searchcrm.teachtarget.com/definition/information-design

Instruction Design Definition

Instructional design is the design of instructional information specifications. A clear and good instructional design must be able to clearly instruct the use/audience to fulfill the purpose of the certain instructions. It must be able to help the user/audience learn what they are trying to learn, thus the instructional design must be designed appropriately according to its target audience.

- http://instructionaldesign.com.au


  • The Virtual Water Project

  • Good Magazine

  • The Crisis of Credits Visualized

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Interactive Design

Interactive Design is all about designing an interactive product to support people in their everyday life. It is making a physical interaction design and providing information to the users.
As Andy Polaine explains,

"In many cases it is about making complicated things easier and more pleasurable to

Bill Verplank describes it as "acting on the world, and getting feedback from it". It is all about negotiating to a program that responds to a users activity and how the product works and functions.

Bill Verplanks Definition of Ineractive Design.

Web Design Examples

Friday, March 5, 2010

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 (2004), otherwise known as the 'You Era' or the 'New Internet', is a term given to the new trend of the usage of the World Wide Web, that has a new generation of websites and applications which harvests users creativity and collaboration. It is contributed by social participation and community development and built up on social architecture. Web 2.0 is built up of 3 kinds of applications; social architecture, architecture of participation and application architecture. Not only does Web 2.0 refer to the new trend of how the World Wide Web is now used but also the web design which contributes to the users creativity and interaction with the website. It is the evolution of Web 1.0 where it is the traditional only one way information .

"Web 2.0 can be defined as the set of technologies which enable
collaboration and sharing between Internet users. These can be web pages,
web-based communities or hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis,
blogs and podcasts.
" (http://www.flyingsolo.com.au/p236446641_Interactive-websiteies-what-is-web02.0.html)


Top web 2.0 website examples.

This website is a social networking site where users can interact and connect with users from all around the world including friends and family. Users can create blogs, upload and share pictures, comment on other users pages and pictures, and much more.

Google is probably one of the most used search engines in the World Wide Web. It doesnt just have an english website but it also has language tools and language options to change the language on the site to whichever it is prefered by the user. You can search up to basically anything you wish from online shopping sites to simply just images of flowers.
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