Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Information & Instructional Design

Information Design definition:

Basically, information design is the planning of information that is aimed at a certain audience to meet specific guides. It is the design of how the information is set out by the designer suited for the specific target audience. Not only does the design have to appear good but there are alot of considerations a designer must take in order to successfully achieve a good information design, such as text, legibility, how direct and clear the information is presented, and how is it suited to the target audience.

Information design focuses more narrowly on the information itself in one or
more information units, and may encompass the information aspects of
industrial design
(labels,knobs, and the physical interface), information
design content, page
design, web site design, illustration design,
typography decisions, and so forth.

- http://searchcrm.teachtarget.com/definition/information-design

Instruction Design Definition

Instructional design is the design of instructional information specifications. A clear and good instructional design must be able to clearly instruct the use/audience to fulfill the purpose of the certain instructions. It must be able to help the user/audience learn what they are trying to learn, thus the instructional design must be designed appropriately according to its target audience.

- http://instructionaldesign.com.au


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  • Good Magazine

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