Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How To Make Toast Step-by-Step

1. Plug in toaster
2. Ensure power outlet is on
3. Adjust toaster to the timer to desirable setting
4. Select x amount of bread 1-4 slices
5. Is bread edible?
6. (no) get new bread, discard old bread
7. place bread pieces into toaster
8. make sure is placed properly in toaster and evenly spread out
9. push the leaver down on the toaster
10. wait (do not touch the toast/bread until it is ready (pops out)
11. is the toast cooked to your desire? Is it burnt(over cooked)/ or under cooked(not brown enough)?
12. (burnt) discard toast and repeat steps 1-8
13. (undercooked) place bread/toast back into toaster and repeats step 8
14. (yes cooked properly) is the toast safe to touch?
15. (no) wait for it to cool a little
16. (yes) quickly pinch corners of toast and place on a clean plate
17. enjoy!

Flow Chart

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